Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The grant kirkham Letters.

Many years ago when I ran and coached the Casuals FC in the Tri County "Soccer" League, I would also publish a footy fanzine called "Casual as Fuck" in order to entertain the players and our small band of supporters.
It was very low brow stuff and one of the regular features that  I came up with was a series of rambling and harassing letters by Grant Kirkham who would write to various people in the football world and beyond, usually in the name of the Casuals FC and footy in general.
Back then I only had a typewriter and the letters would be sent to their intended victims spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and all.
It was usually harmless and wacky subject matter and sometimes the responses were almost as hilarious as the original letter.
The highlight of the entire episode was having Swindon Town send me some ketchup and a couple of packets of biscuits (Bourbons and custard creams) and when Tommy Smyth mentioned the Paul Nicholl (Geordie Plumber) letter live on air during the Man United v Juventus Champions League semi final broadcast on ESPN.

I have often thought about writing a few more and sending them out, but would spellcheck ruin the innocent (and possibly thick) charm of the first wave of letters from Grant Kirkham?
Anyway, read on, enjoy and try not to pay too much attention to the mistakes.

Andy Gillespie aka Grant Kirkham.

**Click on letters to enlarge image**

The grant kirkham Letters: NEWCASTLE UNITED.

The grant kirkham Letters: READING FC

The grant kirkham Letters: BIRMINGHAM CITY.

The grant kirkham Letters: CARDINAL LANGLEY.

The grant kirkham Letters: SPURS.

The grant kirkham Letters: FULHAM FC.

The grant kirkham Letters: EL POLLO LOCO.

The grant kirkham Letters: HUSTLER MAGAZINE.