She is also a favourite with the young Galaxian offspring and always willing to have them sit next to her on the front row and explain "stuff" about the game they don't quite understand.
Q1. How did you first get into the Galaxy and what was the first game you attended?
I discovered soccer during WC '94. I followed the LA Salsa until the Galaxy was formed. Went to the combine in Pasadena and San Diego while the West and DC teams were finding out who to keep or let go.
I also remember when we voted for the name of the Galaxy fan club. Galaxians won out in the end. I've been a season ticket holder since '96 though I didn't sit with the Galaxians for the 1st 2 years. Attended the 1st MLS Game in San Jose, the first MLS Cup - we lost in the No Easterner. I learned to love our team, road trips and the players. The comraderie with the group is one of the big pluses for going to the games. I can go to a game by myself because I know my friends will be there to laugh, cheer and sometimes cry if things go wrong.
Q2. Name your favourite five Galaxy players of all time?
First and foremost is Kevin "Gato" Hartman, then Cobi Jones, Landon Donovan, Danny Pena and last but not least Cienfuegos.
Q3. What is your normal preparation/routine when attending a Galaxy game?
Get there early and never wear black underwear (superstition that its bad luck).
Q4. Do you follow any other footy teams?
Just the US Men's and Women's national teams.
Q5. Name five footy teams that you hate the most?
Earthquacks, DC United and Cheap A@@ plus Chicago.
Q6. Describe the best Galaxy performance you attended?
Winning the MLS Cup in 2002 v New England in their own stadium. After so many tries it was a relief and we all wept.
Q7. Describe the worst?
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Q8. Has the Beckham signing been better for Beckham, the Galaxy or the MLS?
Beckham and the MLS. The Galaxy doesn't think so but for fans I find him a distraction and expense the LAG fans should have had to pay for in the most expensive tixs in the league. What did he bring in 2007 - loss of so many fan favorites like Gato, Marshall, and Dunivant but they were just the beginning. Then he was injured on top of losing our good players we missed the playoffs for the 1st time in our history and the following years wasn't any better. Becks and his people ran the club into the group and made many fans mad.
Q9. Do you follow any other sports and if so, what teams?
I've run an NFL football pool for 20+ years but really don't watch the games except for the Super Bowl.
Q10. Do you play footy, what position and are you any good?
They didn't have soccer when I went to high school but did join a lunch time game at work.
Q11. What's with the rivalry between Galaxy supporters groups?
There's always been one. Many of the groups spin off of others because of diffences. The Galaxians and ACB work well together with little friction.
Q12. Have you ever seen or caught up in any aggro at the match? Galaxy or otherwise?
Yes in SJ with security. I was knocked down some stairs and had a concussion for 6 mos. It made me appreciate when the players get one. I still get some dizziness on occasion.
Q13. How do you think the MLS compares with other leagues around the world?
We're still like children but growing step-by-step.
Q14. Club before country?
Danny Pena always put the Galaxy before the National team but I also appreciate when players need to play for country. It depends on if a VERY important game is in the balance like an All Star Game or Cup one. Of course the WC comes first in priority.
Q15. Almost every Galaxy fan I speak to wishes that Chivas USA were gone from the HDC, where would you like to see them end up?
They were supposed to move to Santa Ana but the economy ended the new stadium plans.
16. Favourite away stadium? (MLS or otherwise)
I enjoyed the layout of these stadiums - Columbus, Denver, Dallas and Salt Lake City.
Q17. Least favourite away stadium? (MLS or otherwise)
San Jose until they build the new one.
Q18. If you could change anything about the Galaxy organisation what would it/they be?
When Becks leaves I hope they go to normal security so the fans can again interact with the players. I really miss those days. Our team has always had more security then any of the other teams.
Q19. What changes would you make to the MLS?
Quit setting up games with big rivals on bad days. SJ away trip same as the final Gold Cup in Pasadena so both SJ and Galaxy fans will miss one or the other game which should have been two highlights of the year.
Q20. What's the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you at the match?
Q21. Funniest thing you has seen at the match?
It was a charity match and Taylor Twellman was the GK and he was lying on the ground while Landon's ex-wife was trying to score.
Another moment was in a playoff game. One player thought he scored and did a somersault. He injuried himself and missed the rest of the game. Later Bryan Jordan scored. Did a somersault, vaulted the barriers and threw himself into the Galaxian arms.
Other great celebrations was with EZ when we won the Confederations Cup at the Coliseum, Fishy Ruiz also celebrated with us.
Q22. Finally, how do you see the season ending for the LA Galaxy this year?
If we host the MLS Cup, I hope we break the curse and are part of the game culminating in winning it.
Thanks for taking part Linda, good stuff, see you at the HDC.
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