Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Wedding Present's Bizarro Barmy Army 2010 US Tour. San Francisco.


We had originally planned to set off for SF at 6am Saturday morning, but due to last minute notification of a Mark Burgess gig in Eagle Rock in L.A. we hastily rescheduled for 8am instead.
The Mark Burgess gig was awesome, it was at some tiny loft in L.A., full of goths and he performed with his usual gusto and pretty much played a Chameleons greatest hits set.
At the end of the show he asked if the audience could take a couple of more songs, naturally we all screamed "Yeah".
Then he looked at me and said "Unfortunately I'm not as cool as David Gedge, I do encores"
The comment may have been lost on most of his audience, but it certainly gave me, Kellie and Mark a chuckle.


So with our late 8am start we set off up the 101 freeway heading north, we could have taken Interstate 5 but we didn't want to be too cliched.
For the trip the car rental company had given us a VW Beetle (It wasn't green, thankfully) I drove and Mark took the passenger seat while Kellie and Lori squeezed into the back. I still had to move my seat way forward as well so my knees were touching the bottom of the steering wheel.
"F**k" I thought, "this is going to be one hell of a trip"
I wasn't wrong, we finally arrived in Sunnyvale at 1pm after a couple of pit stops for gas, McDonald's and an iced coffee.
We checked in and I had a quick shower then it was off to Frisco in search of the venue so I could drop a bag of merchandise off for the band.
I had my Man City shirt on and intended to wear it for the gig, but like a twat I spilt Thai curry down the front of it at dinner so had to change into my ManU barmy army shirt.
I chatted to David in the dressing room and informed him that I had bumped into three Indian Wedding Present fans outside the venue and one of them was really keen and very, very excited.


This chap turned out to be sUKy (That's how he likes it to be written), he was certainly a character, and them some.
He informed us of how he has been a fan since 1987 and seeing he is a bit of a lad, his mum would give him a bit of stick asking him
"Why can't you be more like your friends?"
"Why can't you like proper music?"
"Why do you drink" You should be a good boy like your friends"
I should tell you at this point that sUKy was raised as a Sikh, but obviously a beer swilling, gig going, Derby County loving Sikh is not the norm.
That aside he was certainly a top lad and had us roaring with laughter with his tales of following The Wedding Present over the years and his quest to befriend fellow fans.
His two mates, while happy to be there, weren't quite as enthusiastic, but then again, who was?

THE LADS IN THE NOC NOC BAR. (cool place actually)

We had a few drinks in the Mad Dog in the Fog on Haight Street, before moving on to the Noc Noc bar across the street. This palce could best be described as "cave chic".
I felt like I had just stumbled onto the set of Stig of the Dump.


A great place though, I was so moved that I actually bought a dodgy t-shirt from the bar. Day-glo yellow is making a come back apparently.


The gig was brilliant, probably the best I had seen outside of New York. They did make a couple of mistakes, David fluffed a line in Granadaland and actually forgot the words during Bewitched. He eventually remembered and even managed to squeeze an apology into the next verse.
Despite malicious and false rumours circulated among the east coast barmy army by my "beloved" Kellie, I managed to pogo, mosh and generally jump around for every song of the gig.
My calf's are paying for it today mind, but last night was f**king immense.
A great time was had by all up front, with me, Kia, Fergal, Jason, sUKy and his brother in-law setting the tones for the rest of the audience.
There was one couple who got a bit stroppy with us, but we generally ignored the twats. Stick to f**king Coldplay gigs in future people!!!!!
I managed to get sUKy a setlist and he offered for me to "Name my price" for barmy army shirt. I got his e-mail address and said I'd send him one for now't.
After the show, Charlie invited us to stay and have a few drinks with them in the dressing rooms, but the girls were knackered, it was past 2am so Mark and I reluctantly declined. (We were f**king gutted to be honest)
Thanks anyway Charlie.
So we said our goodbyes and "Thanks" to the band, Jessica, Andrew and the lovely Melinda who saved me from a fate on the merch table. As much as I enjoy doing it, I'd rather be down front jumping up and down like a lunatic with like minded individuals.


We got up the next morning, has some brekkie and set off for L.A. at 10.30am.
Thanks to me, speed racer, we made really good time and even made it for a late lunch at Andersen's Pea Soup. I love that place, all you can eat for $8.95.
The girls could only manage 2 bowls while me and Mark only ate 3 each.
I asked the waiter if they knew what the record was and he replied that it
"Was 17 bowls"
"F**k me" I said "was it a really great big fat person then?"
"No" he assured us "a normal sized person, just really tall"
"Hollow legs" quipped Mark.


We got back into Simi Valley at about 4pm, which was bloody good going, so a pat on the back for myself.
Another great weekend only soured by the fact that we have no gigs to look forward to for a while.
Oh well, goodbye April 2010, you were a great month and will be missed.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Andy, I found your blog via the comment you left at my review of the Wedding Present's Boston show, at Very cool to see that you managed to sneak in a rare Mark Burgess show as well! His show in Boston last year was phenomenally good, and you can read about it here:

