Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SXSW Days Five and Six

March 18th and 19th.

TWP after the Flat Top Burger gig.

I could go on about our last two days in Austin about how were went to the local mall and wandered around from shop to shop looking for trainers, clothes and souvenirs.
Or I could mention how we thought our hotel was in the middle of nowhere and how we got a cab to stop so we could get beer and had to order $40 pizzas only to discover that there was a gas station and a subway sandwiches and a fucking ATM machine less than a mile away, hidden behind an office building.
I won't mention the fact that me and Mark watched the Galaxy game in our hotel room on his computer as Kellie consoled herself with a glass of wine while Ian and Steph went on some wild adventure looking for bats.

Barmy Army at the Red Eyed Fly.

Our crappy trip home via a stop over in Denver where I sampled a burger made from buffalo meat (It was delicious, no wonder they are virtually extinct) shall go unobserved.
None of that mundane stuff is worthy of a mention, I shall just focus on the general vibe of SXSW. It was a great week, we had a fabulous time watching our favourite band while hanging out with some lovely people.
The barmy army's "magnificent seven" obviously take centre stage, but a special mention has to go the Wedding Present band and entourage.
Over the years we have become friendly and gotten attached to various members of the band, but having said that it is always nice to meet new recruits. Obviously we already know Charlie and his lovely girlfriend Sarah. But it was lovely to see them again. Patrick apparently had played with the Pipettes and I honestly can't say I've ever listened to them, even though DLG and Jessica once invited us to a gig to see them at the Troubadour. Patrick was a joy on the door, always good for a laugh and willing to chat, his run in with the locals at the Iron Bear is the stuff of Wedding Present legend. His mate Sebastian, who was TWP's stand in sound guy on the tour was another great addition and an instant favourite of the barmy army.

Patrick and me the day after the Iron Bear "Seamonsters" gig.

Patrick, the man, the myth, the gay icon.

Pepe had the biggest boots (quite literally) to fill in the band. Terry had been part of Cinerama and TWP for well over a decade and even DLG has said on more than one occasion that she was the best he had ever worked with. Terry is another big favourite of the barmy army and me and Kellie have been to all of her solo shows in L.A.
But Pepe just filled Terry's vacant spot effortlessly. Her bass playing is a bit rockier than TDC's and her stage presence was best described as enthusiastic.
At one point I jokingly scolded her and told her to "Stop smiling onstage as it was bad for the band's image"

Pepe, not smiling for once.

She is like a breathe of fresh air within the ranks of TWP and it was pleasure to meet her hubby Andy at Austin as well.
He was as into the gigs as any member of the barmy army, jumping up and down like a loon, at the front at every performance.
It turns out that Andy and I have a mutual friend (Dave Brown) and this helped break the ice as he might possibly have thought that we were a group of stalking weirdos.
Anyway, anyone that loves footy, likes the Wedding Present and is married to the band's bassist is alright by me and the rest of the barmy army.
We all had a great week, despite the muggy heat and crowds. As a long time Wedding Present fan and an atheist, I must say that watching Seamonsters performed live is as close to a religious experience as I will get these days.

TWP at Mellow Johnny's bike shop.
Keg porn.

Anyway, the trip might have emptied our funds for a while and used up all of my limited vacation time, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.
So Jessica, DLG, Patrick, Pepe, Charlie, Sarah and Andy, I salute you.
Kellie, Mark, Kia, Derek and Ian and Steph from Ian and Steph, I would like to pay a particular homage to and say kudos for all your standing about for hours, walking around Austin in the horrible heat, putting up with each other and me, eating great food and also crappy food all in the name of the David Gedge's Barmy Army and a commitment to following The Wedding Present to ends of the earth or just possibly venues we haven't been to before.

Mark and his infamous bucket o' margarita's

We didn't make Barmy Army tee shirts for this tour, so here's a photo of the original shirts. I won't say who the model is here as Kellie will kill me when she sees this.

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